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Old 03-03-2007, 02:02 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 101
Default RE: blind comparisons

Having used both ,I can say that there are advantages and disadvantages to each ( what a bold statement LOL) . The 3D camo on the Cabelas can be filled with all kinds of local vegitation if desired and stuffed anywhere on the blind where as the DB has afew strings on each side and is difficult for vegitaion to hold. I have filled the Cabela's withdead grass to resemble a haybale and it looked cool ( will get a photo of that next time) The Cabelas is noisier if you glide against it with something and because is is slightly smaller , you lose some draw length when pulling back but I counter that by sitting in one corner and shoot out the other corner ( I do this in either blind though) . The Cabela's window system is very good but not as nice as DB - no way. It had a loop & hook window system which is quiet like the DB but the fabric is noisier. The inside is black in both for obvious reasons.

All that being said , I know how good DB customer service is and thier replacement promise and I know how good Cabela's is. I gave my friend the option of picking what blind he wanted to take to Colorado for MD & Elk and he choose the Cabela's. He set it up in a field and staked it down so-so ..... then the winds came and the blind was gone from it's spot ..... he found it on a barbed wire fence 500 yards away and a few of the poles were broke soI sent him the receipt and he sent it to Cabela's. Will report what they do with it. I hope I get it back before turkey season.
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