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Thread: Oneida Bow
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Old 03-03-2007, 10:40 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 26
Default RE: Oneida Bow

If you're already a die hard Onieda shooter, nothing I can say will change your mind. But, if you're not here's a little something I learned the hard way I'd like to share w/ you.

I was COMPLETLEY intrigued and entranced the first time I saw an Onieda! Everything about it was beautiful, modern yet traditional, also deadly looking. I went ahead and spent the money and bought a brand new bow expecting the best . I looked at every movie clip and review on the bow and was sure it was for me. It was between the black eagle anda new hoyt. Shooting an Onieda is very decieving to theshooterwho hasnever shot one. They are very loud for starters and I spent and alot of time and money quieting the bow. New stabilizers, arrows, felt, tape. I had to scour forums and find out what unorthodox methods shooters were using, to help me out. More so thanI had ever had to do with anyother bow I've owned. So after a couple of frustrating weeks of tuning and not much real shooting practice time, I finally had the bow to where I wanted it, then on arelease the bow limb touched a tree limb, and the bow exploded. It's alot easier to happen then it sounds. Now I had to learn to concentrate MORE on my surroundings less on my target, how to shoot it from a stand, in a blind, in the brush, all without the limbs every touching anything around it.

I decide the "coolness" of owning an Onieda wasn't worth the trouble or money,when I could go ahead and shoot a new compound. I bought a BowTech Allegiance. Never looked back or regretted it since. It takes me 5 mins to tune it instead of 20 or 30 min on the Onieda: I can shoot in close quarters, without having flashbacks of a bow grenade going off, lol. Ever have a bow explode it your hands? I hope you never do. No fun at all. BowTech also has a new revolutionary limb design that came out this year.

But, I thought I'd share that with you. Don't get me wrong, I love Oneidas. But they're notfor me. Millions of people love them, they have a great business. But, theyare high maintenance bows for someone who loves simplicity.
Happy hunting!
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