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Old 02-10-2007, 08:39 AM
Folically Challenged
Fork Horn
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Hamiltucky, OH
Posts: 485
Default RE: Tikka T3 or Remington 700 CDL

I dropped-off my CDL at the 'smith's for a trigger job just yesterday. Out of curiosity, I asked him to gauge it to see what the "before" number was. With 6 tests, it averaged-out to about 6#, 13 oz. And to think, I'd been able to shoot some pretty good groups with it like that!

I guess I should feel pretty good about the guy's instincts about guns: he bet me lunch that it would measure out to "just under 7#"after he he dry fired it only twice. I'll post an update when I get it back.

As for the rest of the rifle, I'm more than pleased. I've heard many good things about T3's, but the CDL fit me like a tailored glove.

The way I figure it, it's wonderful if a gun will print tiny groups from a bench, but that's not how it happens in the real world. When I've just run up the side of a mountain, and a trophy elk steps out of nowhere at < 100 yards, I want a gun that rises to my shoulder by itself, and settles immediately into the perfect place for me to make the shot. With my heart pounding & my lungs screaming, I just want that first shot to go somewhere close to where it's supposed to. I won't have time toadjust the rifle on my shoulder 'til it's just-ever-so, wiggle my hips & shoulders around 'til I have a perfect sight picture, & go through my breathing cycle several times. It's gotta be mount-and-BOOM.

So long as a rifle has a good reputation for reliability and durability, and it fits me just right, that's good enough for me.

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