Forums - View Single Post - Color blind people going hunting?!?!?!?!
Old 02-03-2007, 01:42 PM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 398
Default RE: Color blind people going hunting?!?!?!?!

ORIGINAL: il coyote

Colorblind or not, how can someone mistake a two legged human for a four legged whitetail?

Colorblindness is not an excuse for mistaking a man for a deer. If the color blindness caused this level of confusion, which it does not, why didn't that same guy shoot trees?

Colorblindness has no effect on ability to discriminate man from animal, additionally even in a completely colorblind person, they still see shades (think of a black and white TV) and the brown of a deer would be a much darker shade than the orange of a hunter.

I think this is either an urban legend or a pathetic attempt at making an excuse for horrible judgement.
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