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Old 01-09-2007, 08:29 PM
grizzly 2
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Cayugad, whats the 100 grain limit?

Since no one will come out and admit what Chucky says may be true, and since the lawyers do such a good job of hiding the truth, it will probably take a Kennedy blowing off a hand or face to ever get the truth out.

I havent looked real close at the Spanish guns lately. Years ago though, I was alot more impressed with what I felt in the TC side locks than the imports.

I'm no expert nor a metalurgist. Wish we could get one on here or someone could find some reference info and post some links for us. There has got to be some intelligent writing and research on what it takes to blow up a barell using our powders. I can understand the first shot ungluing a flaw. Is it a reasonable assumption that repeated firings of mag or mag plus loads will creat stress that will some day cause a rupture? Does there have to be a flaw in the steel first? Which barrels are more susceptible? There are a number of ways to make a barrel. I'm sure alot of this is out there. Maybe in a retired barell makers head or writings.

Then, what is this I hear about pressure spikes. Are these random? or common? What creates them?
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