Forums - View Single Post - Letting Young Kids Kill Deer: Is It Right?
Old 12-15-2002, 08:45 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Sheridan AR USA
Posts: 73
Default RE: Letting Young Kids Kill Deer: Is It Right?

Tal/IL, I think you hit the nail on the head! I don't know if I mind that it is young kids as much as I mind that it is not what hunting is about! This is a common scenario on my lease:

Dad and Jr. get to Dad's stand opening morning. Jr. has not been in the woods at all except for his one day hunting last year. A deer shows up and Jr. shoots it. Dad loads the deer up and takes it to camp. Jr. is dropped off at the house so he can brag to Momma and his friends. Meanwhile, me or someone else helps Dad clean the deer (or track or drag, depending on the circumstances). Dad is happy because Jr. killed a deer and he can brag on his boy. Jr. is happy because he killed a deer and can brag to his friends. My question: is this hunting? What has Dad taught Jr.?
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