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Old 12-12-2006, 11:22 AM
Sport 2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: NW. PA
Posts: 135
Default RE: Confusion about ARs

Lead poisoner
I disagree with you.To get bigger bucks you must have a good supply of food.Less deer means more abundant food supply to grow these bucks.Yes,this does go hand in hand.Don't bullSh us.The PGC is intentionally killing off the does to breed for bigger bucks.

I agree bucks need food as well. And I agree that the PGC has combined the ARs and the heavy harvestinfg of doe.
But It is my thought that this is incorrect. And should not be done for proper deer management. I agree that the ARs have been used as a scape goat to reduce the deer population. What I ment in my original statement is that the ARs are not the cause of the deer population to decline, It is becuas ethe doe numbers have declined.
I agree that to maintain a healthy deer herd the population must be kept in check. This is done by harvesting doe (at a sustainable rate). I feel that at this point the does have been ovr harvested, and we need to change that.
There will be big bucks with or without ARs, there will just be more of them with ARs. There can be a balance between having big bucks and a decent deer population. You need do to support the herd.

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