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Old 11-28-2006, 09:44 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Terrible gun season (NY)

I've seen exactly ZERO deer since Reg. season opened. Its not from lack of hunting either. I've been out both wknds. During archery season I saw 5 different bucks(down from my normal buck sightings the past 2yrs). I also saw some nice doe, and young fawns. I don't know whats going on. But I do know for a fact the deer population is alot lower now in my area from 8yrs ago. We used to see 5 or more deer together, now your lucky to see anything more than a doe, and 2 fawns together. Themodern times have changed. Its not to make hunters happy. People hunt to see deer, and possibly shoot a nice buck. Nobody here puts in hrs, and hrs of effort nearly year around to sit, and watch chickadee's & red squirrels!
The whole problem is the way of the times, we are our own worst enemies. Crime, law suits all lead to higher costs for everyone. Insurance goes up, liabilities gone up. Not to mention the reputationsome hunters have given us as a whole. Shooting up the woods, road hunters, poaching. It puts a bad taste in people's mouths. Can you blame any private land owner for notopening their lands to hunting for anyone. Owners that do, want to control it, and know whose on their land. This in part has led to leased hunting rights. Plus it benefits the land owner in paying his high taxes. Its the way of the times.
The problem is the DEC is having a difficult time trying to figure outthe best system for everyone. They are loosing hunters becasue of it. They'll continue to loose hunters the direction its going. A plan needs to be devised to benefit land owners to opening their lands to hunting. The 2006 estimated deer harvest numbers for my area really made me mad, and showed me the direction the DEC has taken.
See 7m "Citizen Task Force"
Lands owners complaining too many deer these days! The DEC caters to them. Lowering the BTO from 3.5 to 2.5 so the DEC will now issue more permits. More permits in a area I've watched the deer pop decline for the past 8yrs. This will definitly help the future!
NY also needs to get the age limits lowered on our youth. Every yr a bill is introduced, and every yr its turned down. WHY? My boys have watched 8yr olds shoot deer on the Outdoor Ch. They look at me, and ask why! Fortunately they've both been very patient, and now finally at ages 12 & 15 are able to hunt with me in some form.
I don't expect to see tons of deer every yr. But more thanI do now would be nice. WhenI can count the total number of deer I've seen all season on both hands, its pathetic. I average 40-50days of hunting a season. This with a 40hr work week, and a family to raise. I'm hunting more now in the last 3yrs, than I ever have. I've harvested alot less in the past 5yrs. The days of 2 deer a yr are rare now. In fact I've gone 3 seasons now in the past 7 without a deer at all. I don't have all the answers, but whats obvious is obvious. The system isn't working!
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