Forums - View Single Post - Scent containment carbon clothing question continued
Old 09-22-2006, 09:00 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 97
Default RE: Apology

Scentlok Designer... peace. Time for all of us to agree we disagree. And you are right, there are many things on the hunting market that are very difficult to prove that they do what they say also. My biggest problem with scent blocker type clothing(not just scentlok)is the hassel I would have to go through to use it properly. As I posted earlier ... I am about to buy a new camo outfit... it would cost me about another $150 or so to make the entire outfit a scent blocker type... but to me that is a waste of money. Why? Because I know that I personally would not faithfully and regularly go through the ritual required to keep it properly activated... assuming my dryer is hot enough to do the job. That's just me... I know there are plenty of guys who would do that faithfully. I also think that scent blocker type outfits also fall into the same category as many other hunting products... the category where the claims are very difficuly if not impossible to prove. Why, because to prove it we would need a large sampling of a scentlok group and a control(placibo) group that doesn't have scent blocker clothing(but they think they might)... then you would need a controlled environment where both groups encounter the exact same conditions and also encounter the same variances in conditions over time. That's almost impossible to control when you are talking mother nature, lay of the land(mountains, river bottoms, swamps, ridge, ravenes etc), thermal currents, humidty, air pressure, etc etc. The next variable is the deer you encounter... everyone is different and each can react differently to human scent.

I can tell you one thing... if you guys had a decent open camo pattern I may have bought it... why? You do have some nice stuff... regardless ofwether it hasscentlok or not.
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