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Old 11-23-2002, 08:21 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: I'm taking a poll..All replies welcome...

Kevin, I don't think you completely understood my little "land of make believe" shop above.
I had said that if the bow companies didn't have any dealers in the field and all sales were done via internet. They wouldn't have to add staff but probably reduce a couple. I don't see that would have to add any pickers/packers because they would be shipping the same number of bows, only they would go straight to the customer instead of a middle man that's also making profit. Anyway, I'm not trying to start an argument over a silly little thought...

Sag, Well then if you'd rather buy a bow from me...Hmmmm... I've got a like new RH 60-70 lb. 2002 G 3.2 (less than 1000 shots) I'll sell you. I'll make you the best deal money can buy. This deal is for you Sag and only you...Double MSRP @ $1498.00...But wait there's more, for absolutely no additional change I'll throw in a pair 40-50 lb. limbs. It's only because I like you twice as much as the others. This offer is good to you Sag only until I sell it to someone else for half the cost...LOL....No offense to anyone...It's a joke...And the bow is not really for sale.... <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

It is truly a nice target bow and holds like a rock...Sag, you better try to find me at Bedofrd again my friend...I'll be looking for you...Well, kind of...I don't have a clue as to what you look like or I don't even know your real first name?
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