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Old 11-21-2002, 12:18 PM
Pinwheel 12
Typical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: .. NH USA
Posts: 970
Default RE: I'm taking a poll..All replies welcome...

IMHO more and more "legitimate shops" are starting to realize the benefits of online sales, and more of them nowadays as opposed to two or three years ago have a website.

Why would any dealer NOT want another 20-30% (or more!) sales percentage coming in over what you do from the physical shop? I know my family loves to spend my extra income from it!<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

I feel it is just a matter of time before all manufacturers allow some sort of internet trade, regardless of the grumblings we see currently from some of them. The intial surge will admittedly be a PITA to many or us reputable shop owners because of the basement bandits who will basically give things away for unrealistic margins, but soon they will also realize that they cannot make a decent living by doing such, and either quit or get with the program, and it will stabilize. Alot of people will continue to buy from their local dealer and rightfully so, but as mentioned by one of the posters above in areas where there are no dealers for miles, internet sales is a great commodity.

I know my Pinwheel Products customers find little problem with ordering via the net, it's secure, it's fast, and it's done from the comfort of your home. I have established quite a few friendships and a solid customer base via the net, and feel that without this outlet and these boards I never would have met some of them. I for one can now afford a little extra nowadays due to my website, and am supremely glad I started the business. I feel it should be up to each individual as to how they want to purchase products, not dictated to them simply because the manufacturers do not yet know how to handle the dillemma they'll face with their protected-territory dealerships, or due to those that have heard the grumblings about how internet sales are &quot;no good&quot; blah, blah, blah, tho no-one seems to know how or why these grumblings really started? With the right type of open-minded discussion and looking towards the future and what it will bring, this &quot;protected territory&quot; issue and other issues pertaining to internet sales could be discussed intellegently, hammered out, and ultimately open up yet another avenue for people to purchase products. If this avenue allows more people to purchase and accounts for more total overall sales, then the end result is that our sport is growing due to it.

And GROWTH of our sport is definately a good thing. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> Just my own thoughts, Pinwheel 12

Edited by - Pinwheel 12 on 11/21/2002 14:05:35
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