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Old 09-03-2006, 09:40 AM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Maryland
Posts: 76
Default RE: CB Sighted In!

I have never been against fixed blade, used Thunderheads for years. and I might say with good results..I can get a fixed blade broadhead to fly with a compound at speeds exceding 325fps, but it is usually time consuming with the tuning issues, and sometimes all the customer has to do is torque the grip and a problem arises....I was leary about the expandables when they first came out, they would send them to me and they would sit on the workbench forever...But as the bows got faster and tuning issues became more critical I tried them out...I found that some worked and some did not, so I stuck with the ones that I had the most confidence in..Because of this the fixed had to get better or loose their share of the market, because the expandables were taking over..This has lead to better designed fixed blade broadheads, and that is a good thing..But alot of customerscould be "broadhead poor", so I recommend a good expandable...And xbows have always been critical of fixed blade broadheads..And I have seen some of the most massive holes put in animals with the expandables that a fixed broadhead would never do.Wish I knew how to post a pic with all this fancy equipment I have, I could show you one you would never believe...
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