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Old 11-16-2002, 09:13 AM
Pinwheel 12
Typical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default RE: Would I be offending....


I reiterate, if you truly like him and his service, at what price will you go to for that service? Are the additional costs of his accessories worth the price of admission and not having him get "ticked" at you? Only you can answer that.

One other thing you should know about--

Pro-shops cost money to run, and most dealers buy things on a much smaller scale than say places like Cabelas or other discounters and do not get the volume discounts like they do, thus they are paying more for the individual products to begin with. They are not making any more on it than the discounters are,(most of them anyway) so don't feel you are getting the shaft because a dealer may have higher prices, it is normally moreso because of the higher price that they have to pay in most instances, and their profit margins are based on their projected sales. Discounters can make their profits in volume sales, and get the volume order breaks from manufacturers. Like I've said before, it's a tough business to be in because it is so "dog-eat-dog", and we all as consumers look for the best deal possible. My thinking is that it may just be worth a few extra bucks for that better service and a trusting dealer? Good shooting, Pinwheel 12

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