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Old 08-30-2006, 05:02 AM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Stolen trail cam


I get the idea of treble hooking butnot how you would do it.
Can you explain?
All that is needed are some 8"-10" wire leaders some dry wall screws and some super glue.
put a treble hook on one end of the wire leader and then screw the other end to the tree where you can mount your camera over the screw .then place your cammera how you want it ,then carefully glue one or more of the hooks to the back of your camera housing where the dumbazz will reach to steal it. After a quick jab he will jerk his hand back setting the hooks when it reaches the end of the leader.Your friend will be standing there when you get back or you should be able to follow the blood trail to him.This works well with just about any of your valuables.
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