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Old 08-10-2006, 11:10 AM
tykempster's Avatar
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Posts: 270
Default Was this deer non-typical?

I was out putting some feed in front of my deer camera this morning when it started pouring. A deer stand was only a couple feet away so I climbed up in it to wait the rain out. As soon as I got up there I saw 3 deer coming from about 150 yards away,a buck, a doe, and a fawn. As they got closer I could see the buck's antlers were weird. They got to probably 50 or 60 yards, but it was raining so hard I couldn't see how many points he had, but I think 8. What was weird is the anters we almost straight up and had a ton of mass. It kinda reminded me of a pronghorn, except with more points. They were coming closer, but unfortunatly my dog who had followed and was eating the feed saw them and chased them off. Does this sound like a non-typical? I don't know much about deer yet.

Thanks for any replies.
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