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Old 11-13-2002, 11:03 AM
Typical Buck
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Default RE: stabilizers for hunter class


My target bows are heavy and I use 18" to 30" stabilizers on them.
I use AEP stabilizers with removable adjustable sliding weights. I adjust them until my bow sits dead in the hand.
After the shot, my bow moves straight toward the target but doesn't tilt forward.
Sounds like your Kyber is a little heavy for your Ultratec if it falls forward too fast.
Nothing wrong with a bow falling forward a bit after the shot if your follow through is correct and you like the way the stabilizer balances your bow when aiming.
But if it seems too front heavy while aiming and falls too rapidly after the shot, you need to counter balance it.
If your stabilizer hole goes straight thru the riser, you can counteract the heavy stabilizer with a single back weight.
If not, you will need to use a V-Bar system to counteract the weight.
Or just get another stabilizer that gives you the balance you prefer.


Yeah, got a bunch of stabilizers, lol.
Oh well, they're not all that expensive except for my AEP's and I like to try new ones.
Hence, the reason for trying the Stealth.
Planning on getting a new 2003 Merlin for hunting next year and plan on using the Stealth on it.
For the remainder of this year, I will use it on my Mach 8.


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