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Old 06-30-2006, 07:59 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 308
Default Got a "Yes" from the first farm i went to

here's how it happened.....

i was driving around wednesday night all but lost, just looking for places that looked good to hunt. i found a place that looked pretty darn good so i found my way to the house that i figured it belonged to. the guy there said they actually just rented it, but he gave me directions to the landowners house. i drove there and found nobody home. i had typed up some letters with my name, address, intentions and contact info in them and left one between his doors with a letter on the envelope explaining how i had ended up there.
i didnt hear from him yesterday so i drove out there tonight and he was home. i explained that i was the person who left the letter in his door. we talked for a minute and he said he didnt mind if i hunted it. turns out that it's about 5 acres of woods with fields all the way around, an apple orchard across the street and creek at the back.
i'll get in there next week to see what i can find, hopefully it's good. whew, this was long but i'm excited!
thanks to everyone who posted tips on how to get places to hunt!
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