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Old 01-12-2002, 05:29 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Centennial CO USA
Posts: 29
Default RE: Puzzled by draw length/weight markings

Thanks PB and Floxter..
I'm still working on it. 50 lbs. pulls the 28" mark 9/16" out in the air on the belly side of the riser. 46 lbs pulls the 28" mark to the dip of the handle locator grip, close to the mystical pivot point (I'm not sure what that is either!) I'm using weights that have been checked out, not a spring scale. All I know is I have a bow that does not pull close to 50 lbs when a 29" arrow is drawn to the base of the point. It looks to me like it's off about 4 lbs., and that's too much for a 50 lb. bow. I'm gonna recheck the weights I'm using, just to make sure.

Now let me see....IF I have this right, then length for weight marking is not draw length, and neither one is the same as arrow length, and if you're shooting cedars you need 'em spined to your bow, but they ought to be an inch or so longer than your draw length to the back(away from archer) side of the riser, and if that makes them longer than 28" (even though the spine deflection is measured at 26"!) -- they will act weaker, so you need more spine. The only way to know how much poundage is being applied to your arrow is to put your bow on a good scale and check it at the length you pull it. Then you have a starting point for selecting shafts, etc. If I was ordering a custom bow today, I'd just tell the bowyer that I want a bow that pulls xxx lbs. when the string is xxxx inches from deepest part of the grip. That's the only measurement that the archer has control of. Then the bowyer can put as much lumber as he wants forward of that point. This is fun!

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