Forums - View Single Post - Lots of food plot questions - breaking new ground. Looking for suggestions.
Old 04-28-2006, 07:35 AM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Bemidji.Minnesota
Posts: 170
Default RE: Lots of food plot questions - breaking new ground. Looking for suggestions.

Rick, IMO, the best way to break new ground is to go in with a 2 or 3 bottom plow and turn the soil over, let sit for a few weeks to rot down, then go over with your disc to break it up and smooth it down some, then run a cultivator over it, then lime/fert/seed. This is how I'd recommend if doing for a crop(corn,beans,etc). If the purpose is just to break up the soil to put in clovers,food plots,etc,without needing to break up the top soil for 6"-10", then instead of using a bottom plow, you could use a cultivator to break up the soil to the depth of a few inches, either let it sit awhile, or just go right in with a disc and break up soil clumps and smooth out,then fert/lime/seed. Just a poor dirt farmers opinion. Happy Growing. Taz
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