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Old 04-26-2006, 05:08 PM
WKP Todd
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: scent blocker

And the argument continues!!!! One point I would like to make. I get winded all the time here in Iowa and the deer (does and small bucks) act completely different then they do in pressured states like Michigan. Often times they just lift they're head and go about they're business (just not that affraid of human scent).

With that being said, Mature bucks are a different story. Most guys don't even have the chance to chase 4-1/2 or older deer. If you haven't, then try to tell me that you had a "big buck straight down wind at 10 yards without winding me". If you claim to have had this experience, you probably were sitting in a thermal and the wind wasn't doing what you thought it was. This is one of the most understood "things" in-regard to wind (I'm still trying to figure it out).

A couple of my hunting buddies have killed a serious number of monster bucks (20+ bookers, multiple booners, ect....). They don't get paid to wear it, and tell it straight. Hunt the wind, because you stand a chance at fooling a mature bucks nose!
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