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Old 04-07-2006, 10:19 AM
Big Country
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Law banning "canned" hunts in Indiana...

[quote][Personally I would say both are equal and the same/quote]

You actually feel that a person that chooses to kill an animal inside a LEGALLY run high fence is the same as a game law violator who hunts while hung over, or drunk? I don`t think that is what you really mean.

And according to rumer there was someone that did both on camara.
From what I understand, there were numerous violations that occured at Rus Bellars place. As I stated before, Bellar operated outside of Indiana state law, in fact some of the things done there were violations of state laws that allow high fence hunting, so justice was done regarding Bellars operation.

Oh yeah he also had no license
You SHOULD NOT need a license to hunt privately owned animals inside of a privately owned high fence. The idea ofneeding a license to do so is absurd.

Just out of interest what is your opinion of this person?
If you mean what is my opinion of a person who would hunt drunk.......I loath people who get intoxicated, whether they are hunting, mowing the lawn, or watching a football game. Alcoholism is a weakness. There are not many things more pathetic than having to listen to someone who is drunk.

A lot of hunting falls under personal ethics
I agree with you 100%.

Mine says that hunting small penned lots is not right and should not be condowned.
OK, you have already stated that a 117 acre pen is NOT big enough for high fence hunting. What exact number would you consider OK? What if your size limit did not fit with someone elses minimum size limit?

What minimum size limit would you think is fair for a slaughterhouse that butchers hogs? They are privately owned animals, being killed on privately owned land too.

You have my feelings and I am done.
Indianahick, you and I do NOT agree on the topic of high fence hunting. We are BOTH sportsmen, and I have no doubt we both share the same passion for hunting, and we are both ethical, law abiding hunters. I simply do not believe that the state of Indiana is correct when they deny a property owner their right to have a business that does NOT hurt anyone if it is run properly. Put regulations on it like any other business, but to deny that right is a socialist concept.

Thank you for the civil debate, and I wish you good luck this coming season.
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