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Thread: .17 hmr
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Old 01-06-2006, 02:41 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 368
Default RE: .17 hmr

about the seal its a long story so ill shortin it a little. there were a bunch of seals gatheing on the ice in a cove and the eagles, hawks and other preadators (lol me) were getting impatient for one to die . so just having sighted in my 17 a couple of days before i decided i would help my hungry friends, the eagles, and shoota seal. so i loaded the clip of my marlin .17 put a harris bipod on it and gathered up all the white camo i had and belly crawled to about what i thought was 200 yards, turned out to be over that by a lot. i ajusted the bipod so it was level and soomed the scoe up to 9x and picked out the larget of about 10 seals and held a little abouve the top edge of the seals head and waited for the lite wind to stop almost completly and squeezed the trigger ever so gently and POOF the little bullet was off and through the scope i saw a large amount of blood and other stuff fly out the other side of his head and the seal fell over on the spot and kicked a flipper a few times . it was quite dead later, wheni returned and inspeced the damage i found the little bullet had made an invisible hole in the front of his head and tore a hole about the size of your fist on the exit side. there was a also a large crack along the top of the skull which i think shows the long range killing potential of the 17 HMR.

P.S: the eagles and hawksate like millionares that winter, it took them a month and a half of steady eating to completly devour the seal.

also wouldnt reccommend that anybody try a feat like this unless they are an exellent shot and the conditions are just right
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