Forums - View Single Post - POSSIBLE WORLD RECORD 220 typical shot in Indiana
Old 12-13-2005, 07:12 PM
fruit loops
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 56
Default RE: POSSIBLE WORLD RECORD 220 typical shot in Indiana

no dd,i am just saying just because someone does something that someone else wouldn't does not mean they are a bad person as some are making it seam.It's like evryone who condones someone they don't want to associate with that person.I just hate people who thinks they are saints and a better person because they follow the rules all the time.They sound like they are running for office or maybe for the pope yet they all got something to hide.But after reading this post it's allready premiditated if a big buck walks by with only doe tags left it would go done.And that pic of the new state record with all that bone mass would allso go down.But I really don't have to worry about that cause I havent bought a doe tag in over 3 years.But I would change the rules for me to win if was in that situation.Let's get one thing straight,we are not all saints in here,even though some think they are.
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