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Old 11-16-2005, 02:21 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 494
Default RE: World's Dumbest Poacher

ORIGINAL: jhalfhill


Take a cell phone & call the police next time, and don't leave it at that, press charges.
oh for petes sake, anyone who would press charges over crossing property lines is a moron. i could see if you told them time and time again and they refused to listen, but i had a bad experience with this when i was 16. my best friend and i just turned old enough to hunt alone and were sitting in my grandfathers field. he had never killed a deer before so when a button buck ran across the field i let him shoot. the deer ran onto the neighboring property and died. we left our guns on our property and went to retrieve the deer. went striahgt to it and was dragging it straight back when my moron neighbor comes tearing through his field in his ford PS diesel like he's some kind of hard a$$. he jumps out of his truck, called us every curse name in the book, called us everything but white boys, and dropped the f bomb many times. "Dont you F-ing know that this place is f-ing posted!!!" He is in his 40's we were 16 year olds just retrieving a deer, thats pretty low in my book. some people need to grow up and learn that this is god's green earth not THEIR earth.

give them a chance then once you're sure they know the lines and are disrepecting your property lines then call the authorities. to do so immediately makes you a bigger idiot and a$$hole than they are
I was taught from the time I was 12 to always go to the landowner's place and ask permission - whether to hunt or to retreive an animal. I would never consider doing it without asking. Maybe that's not the way you were taught and made a simple 16 y.o. mistake. No big deal, but I don't blame him for chewing you out - and I'll bet you dont' do it again!

By the way, that's an interesting attitude you have that a person's property somehow belongs to you? How old are you now? I'm just asking to find out if you still have some inexperience going on.
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