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Old 10-12-2002, 05:49 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: 14 year old hunter killed in Ohio

I certainly agree that this man is wihtout a doubt living in guilt and remorse but that still doesn't mean that it's Ok to have done such a stupid thing.
To me it's really no different than a murder on the street.
Just because it's in a hunting environment doesn't make it right or excusable does it? It's neglegent and senseless, it speaks bad of other hunter's and it just simply should never have happened.
I don't mean to sound ruthless, I'm not... But somehow we need to start reducing these stupid acts before it comes up and bites us all in the butt. It's more ammuntion for the anti's to use against us. If our justice system starts punishing for this type of thing then maybe people will wake up and pull their heads out...
Am I a perfect hunter?..NO.. Do I know right from wrong?..Yes.. Would I ever shoot at the sound or sight of corn rustling?..No, Never...
I'm found to be pretty anal when it comes to safety...I guess that's why this story irks me so much... I don't feel this way out of hatred of this man but rather the act he commited...
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