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Old 10-10-2005, 08:01 AM
Arthur P
Giant Nontypical
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 9,175
Default RE: Regret the Whisker Bisquit

Yeah, Straightarrow, I knowthe arguments for and against the thing. I still think the 'arrow falling off' stuff is way overblown. I mean really... How many arrows have you had fall off your rest in the years you've been hunting? You only mention one. One isolated incident -falling under the heading of 'stuff happens' - andthen you absolutelyMUST have a full containment rest? C'mon!

Proof of it's advantages come from the sheer numbers using it??!!?? Pardon me whilst I break out the can of BS repellent for that'n.[8D]

I've seen how a lot of bows wound up with WB's on 'em. I hung aroundenough pro shops watching new shooters getting set up. They had the things shoved off on them like the shops were getting kickbacks from the company! Maybe they were, I don't know.

Never once did anyone ever say a word about accuracy, tuneability or versatility. No sir, not once. It was always 'No way your arrow is falling off THIS rest.' Advnatages? Plural?? Not hardly. It's got only that one, singleadvantage. That's theONLYselling point the thing has!

And new shooters don't know enough to question it when the 'expert' behind the counter starts spouting aburdities. That is how I think so many WB's wound up on bows. Definitely not due to advantages.

Somewhat slower arrow speeds, wrinkled vanes, has to be modified before you can even get it to work right, increased susceptability to torque, gotta have special anti-icing spray to keep it working in the cold and wet.... You gotta admit a WB has a lot more going against it than it's got going for it.

I can honestly and truthfully say I have never had an arrow fall off my rest while hunting. I can also honestly and truthfully say I have never once spooked an animal while loading an arrow on the bow. I've had 'em spook while drawing, but not while getting the bow ready to shoot.

Of course, I shoot a bit different style than most folks do nowadays, because I know all too well the DISadvantages of using metal risered clank bows, elevated rests for arrows to fall off of, sights to obscureyour vision of the animaland mechanical releases which prohibit you from having any control over the arrow, whatsoever.

Believe me, I can understand WHY someone with all those burdensmight think they need a full containment rest.

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