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Old 09-26-2005, 11:46 PM
skeeter 7MM
Giant Nontypical
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My opinion is you don't tip in the circumstance you are talking about. To repeat -- you have paid for a high dollar outfitted hunt and the guide's role comes down to driving you to the blind, picking you up from the blind, skinning your kill, and caping your trophy. This is not the case of the guide who is working 19 hours per day 7 days per week (hard to believe anyone can work 19 hours per day 7 days per week for the duration of a hunting season). Now the guide might be working . . . but he isn't working for the hunter during the day.
The hunts are high dollar b/c hunters what to shoot trophy class animals and these areas have that potential. The huntersure the heck don't get those animals with a guide just being a taxi twice a day then sitting on his duff! He may not be holding your hand or whatever during the day but darn straight he is putting in hours before and during your hunt to make sure you see game and the quality you expect...if not those high dollar spots would not be filled each fall!!!!!! Guiding trophy whitetail is different then calling or spot n stalking type hunt, the effort as I mentioned is often not seen by the hunter. You are sitting in a blind or blinds b/c he has done the leg work, you get moved b/c he is doing his work and ultimately if you pull the pin he has done his job to the highest level. They are very different hunts no question but contrary to popular belief trophy whitetails aren't tied up to every tree up here and it takes effort to put hunters in the right position. With 2 to 1 ratio a guide can't possibly do his job and be with you all day when chasing trophy whitetails. It is a different hunt and requires different techniques...the animals don't bugle back at you to let you know where they are hanging up, they don't come running when you sound like a love sick female and you certainly can't go chasing them in any area I have ever guided. In essence it is a waiting and game of numbers, with the sheer amount of likely places to find mature deer a guide must know the lay of the land, the animals, their movements, weather effects, etc..this is not done by just driving a hunter to a takes work/knowledge just like getting a bull to come in by way of calling. So I say hawg wash on the guide isn't working idea, I can't recall a day whenI guided when I did stop till my head hit the pilla..which was usually long after my hunters where dreaming about sugar plums.

The next time the stars line up when your sitting in your blind...remember he put you their for a reason and it wasn't just a roll of the dice that morning! I am not saying you should tip, that is entirely up to youbut maybe look at your guide as more than just a glorified Taxi Driver. Even if is just a WT allowed you to live your "DREAM"!
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