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Old 09-27-2002, 08:11 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Wappingers Falls NY USA
Posts: 35
Default RE: What to do if deer blows at you?

Ok, I could be wrond but I do believe that the reason for blowing is to identify what has alerted them. In other words they are cleaning mucus from their nasal passages and sinus to get a better sniff of what they originally smelled. It is not a warning sign to other deer but the stomp is. When you see the flag that means once they had a clean sniffer they caught wind of you for sure. Deer tend to give things a couple of chances before they run back the way they came. If they see you once they freeze but if they don't see you again they tend to go about their business. Same goes for scent, if they think they smell something funny they freeze and get a better nose full and if they do get a good dose of human at that point they hit the ground running (although only a few yards so they can circle around you). I know you all understand this but I feel the need to reinforce it. Deer are LAZY. They hate finding new ways to get from A to B so you can assume that if a deer is spooked it is simply passing you on one side or another just out of range (this is especially true in the thickets I hunt in NY). Basically, Tealboy just hang tight and chances are you might get an opportunity to wack the one that blew or some of his/her buddies that are on their way because of their overwhelming curiosity. Hope I helped some....

Hunting is like life. You plan and practice thinking everything is just right and suddenly the wind shifts directions and it's all over.
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