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Old 07-31-2005, 01:25 PM
Matt / PA
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Tips on holding steady

Great info again Arthur and stuff alot of guys just flat don't know about.

One other thing to concentrate on that will lower the amount of sway in your aiming is to learn proper body position and form through the shot.
There are very specific planes that your body should be in as you go from draw to release that allows your muscles the most mechanical advantage as well as the least amount of effort to keep them in that position......everything from hand, to elbow, to shoulder, to foot position all play a very vital role in how steady we can hold on target.
NOBODY can hold absolutely rock steady, but addressing form and proper bow balance will reduce the motion at full draw. Each doing it's own small part to create a whole.

Oh and Camo12......if you research shot breathing, I think you will find that a shooter is most "steady" at the point where you have just about exhaled the last of a full breath. Don't hold it........that causes TENSION, and tension is bad. I follow this breathing pattern........
Blow out a full breath as I draw hitting full exhale at anchor/ Take another full breath as I settle fully into the anchor and begin aiming / Start releasing that breath as the aiming process finally hits the point of release. The shot for meshould go off somewhere just beyond the middle of exhale to the last bit of air left.
If you run out of air before the release goes off, let down regroup and start over.
Or if you run out of air just do what the majority of hunters do and mash the release!But that's a whole other problem and topic for another time.

Aiming is only a portion of what can go wrong when you are after your true accuracy potential.

Oh and skip the Mt. Dew and Coffee.
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