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Old 07-08-2005, 05:03 PM
WV Hunter
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Where Are You Getting Your Clover Seed?

In the 3 plots that I have done, I have only used Imperial Whitetail Clover. Yes it is more than Ladino from the coop, but I agree with FH...the seed is the least expensive part of the plot. I spent way more on lime, fertilizer and prep than I did seed. My plots have all come in great, and the deer love it. I'm on my 4th season on one plot. I spent $45 on the seed for that plot. So when you look at it over time, it gets even cheaper. Thats a tad over $11/year for seed on that 1/2 acre plot of clover. AndI seeded my plot heavier than recommended.

Based on what I have seen from my small plots, if I had a 5 or 10acre plot to plant with clover, it would be Imperial. I am no expert by any means, but the cost of seed seems like a non issue for most of us since we are not commercial farmers. Now if I was planting 1000's of acres of annual crop, that might be a different story...but again you usually get what you pay for with all things.
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