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Old 06-21-2005, 03:32 PM
ReneWCadene's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ontario
Posts: 13
Default RE: North Western Ontario Deer Hunting

What do you want to know? I live and hunt whitetails here. I've hunted and fished in Nestor Falls. I have some property north of Emo that is where I'll be doing some hunting. I was in Dryden Vermillion Bay area last year and hunt mostly around Thunder Bay every year. If you want to trophy hunt I suggest you pick an area and go after it. If you enjoy calling/rattling and putting on foot miles and also being patient and watch glass pipelines, cutover frindges etc you stand a good chance of bagging a mature whitetail. As for genetics, I'm trying to develop a good picture on that and right now I see some areas around Thunder Bay, Rainey River district and Dryden area as good bet's. Kenora area is polluted with deer but it is sometimes hard to find access in areas where other hunters aren't. You can have fun and do well in many locations. Nestor Falls is a great base to hunt out of. There are many logging roads that reach many good areas. Not much hunting far from roads or quad trails. Many deer live to be old. So bring a big woods mentality. Now farm land hunting and frindges lend themselves to possible drives and locations on edges and funnels. Access can be had on some properties by asking but many are starting to ask for something or are leased to outfitters in the Emo area. Also, as mentioned you need a guide. But by far, mostof this rugged lake infested terrain is bush.If your interested I may be able to help you out further.

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