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Old 05-27-2005, 08:06 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 27
Default RE: Planting process

Everything I have read and been told says your biologist told you wrong. Lime doesn't move much within the soil and should be incorporated into the top 3-6 inches of soil. If your lime does happen to leach 1 inch and your forage grows roots 6 inches deep, the acid soil below 1 inch would have to be a problem for your crop. I'm not an expert but this makes sense to me.

I was also told to add the lime as far in advance as possible to allow the ph time to come up. If you are planning to plant a fall plot, soit test now and add the lime needed now.

Also incorporating the lime is obviously an option only before planting and if additional lime is needed later it is better to put it out right over the top than not add it at all.
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