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Old 05-15-2005, 06:46 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 232

They are just stuck in a rock and hard place getting pressure from both sides on the deer issue.The DCNR and audobon are lickin their chops waiting for a take-over.If the USP wants to sue anybody it should go after the DCNR.
The USP has no legal grounds to sue the DCNR since the DCNR does not have the legal authority to control the herd on their property any more than a private land owner. The PGC , on the other hand , put the interests of the forestry industry and the Audubon, above the interests of hunters and are now paying the price.Increasing the price of licenses now will only provide more incentive for hunters to quit.

The PGC knows they are running a deficit, yet they implemeneted a deer management plan that will be much more expensive than the previous system. Before they relied on the USFS survey of forested habitat to establish OWDD goals. The new system will require PGC staff to monitor the conditions of the habitat every year statewide. The PGC ,simply does not have the staff or the resources to acomplish that, so the new plan won't be any better than the old plan and could be alot worse.
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