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Old 01-09-2002, 05:23 AM
Pinwheel 12
Typical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Posts: 970
Default RE: If You Were To? (Techies)

Sounds great so far, guys!
I'm not going to give out my "design secrets" again, I have done this in the past and gotten heavily burned. I lost a great cam design over 10 years ago because I spoke in confidence to the wrong person.BIG bucks lost. As far as I know they still utilize the original concept today, after denying that I had anything to do with it even tho I had original sketchings dated prior to their release. (Once a pat. pending is on it, you're all done) I also have posted thoughts about new designs I felt would take off, but will not do it anymore. Bottom line---DON'T BE A CHUMP! Your ideas could possibly make you a ton of money, especially if they are unique. Manufacturers look for this kind of stuff and prey on it.

I've many times thought about designing and building my own equipment, and have had others prod me to do so, but at this point in the game I don't know..... it would be cool to watch your own design rise to the top of the heap tho, wouldn't it? <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> Of course I'd have to completely learn CAD and CNC programming..... Nah, I'd just hire someone! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> Who knows, stranger things have happened. Just my own thoughts, P12

Edited by - Pinwheel 12 on 01/09/2002 06:28:51
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