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Red Hawk 05-15-2003 03:41 AM

FeedBack from ' If you could go back into time'


Ok this is just some feedback regarding some of earlier replies. I thank you all for replying back and any more in the future.

1st one
[quote RE: If you could go back in time (in reply to Red Hawk)


i would go back in time to a certain event JUST TO WATCH.. you dont know what would happen if u go back in time and alter something.. who knows u may have not been born if they had changed something

Good case in a point however you are missing the point of the question, this is a simple ' what if' and nothing more. I too have seen all three back to the future movies and know what risks are taken when time traveling. If one could go back into time i would just be to watch, not interact.


RE: If you could go back in time (in reply to Red Hawk)


i am not sure. prob gettysburg cuz it was one of the bloodiest battles and just to see the way they fought. i dont think they were very smart to march in one stright line and just get shot down one by one

Actually this battle was brought up a few times and as well as the Sept 11th attacks and Alamo.

First being the attacks on 9/11. As tragic as it is and my heart goes out to the families of all the victims who died that day but i look at it this way. They didn' t die in vain because it was because of these attacks that brought us together as Americans, no matter what our religion, race, so on so forth (I see people as people and no color of skin, we all bleed the same colored blood) and it always woke us as a nation, to realize that we aren' t invincible (lousy speller, sorry) and it made us realize that terrorit attacks can happen to even us. Therefore, we did something about it and doing all we can, along with other nations to stop these cowardly attacks, it' ll be hard because, in reality, there are plenty more of people who can, or will, strap a bomb on their bodies and kill innocent people. In short, it might take years but hopefully it' ll happen.

Second regarding the Alamo and its brave defenders. I have relatives in Texas and i never seen it before but i would like to someday. Anyway. I think the defenders who fought and died there was one of many great moments in time that a bunch of " ragtags" of Americans(to my understanding, there was actually a few non-americans there, i want to say English/Scots there, not sure on that one though) will fight for a worthly cause and for the rights of this nation. Another case in point is the 9/11 attacks as well. General Anna (can' t remember his name) may have one that battle but at a heavy cost, and throughout the world when they heard about this herioc stand, they respected us more, and as well as showing that we were fight against an invading enemy and fight to the end, even if costing us our lifes. I probably went off the whole point of this but this is my outlook of it.

Ok the fight at Gettysburg. That is actually a tough one since the civil war wasn' t fought just for slaves, it was also for political and ecomic reasons. The lesson that the U.S. learned from the whole war itself (I think about 536,000 Americans died, give or take a few thousand) is the senseless slaughter of life for whatever purpose each individual person, regardless of being a ' Billy Yank' or ' Johnny Reb(or what is " red" ) and the tactics they used back then were a very brutal but bluntly way of how NOT to do it. That war taught us that the way they walked in straight lines, the uniforms on both sides, was just a waste of life and material.

Like i said, this is my outlook on these topics, i could be wrong on most if not at all, hopefully some people will feel the same way i do, i would like to hear how everyone feels about these events.

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