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tofer 12-13-2004 12:15 AM

anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
this is the latest i can find
Updated: 11/30/2004 10:12:16 AM

Six counts of first-degree murder and two counts attempted murder, those are the charges against Chai Vang. Prosecutors layed out their case Monday, giving us new details on what Vang originally told deputies. The criminal complaint explains how the hunters in northwestern Wisconsin were shot and how two managed to survive.

The criminal complaint describes the chilling accounts from each witness about what happened... including how one of them was rescued. It also includes Chai Vang's side of the story. He first tells investigators he didn't shoot any of the hunters. But that story changed.

The complaint shows Chai Vang initially told investigators one of the hunters took his gun and shot the others. It does not say why Vang all of sudden changed that story to instead claim the hunters confronted him, using racial slurs and profanity.

He states the hunters threatened to turn him in for trespassing and told him to quote: "follow the ATV trail and get the f--- out of here and never come back."

Vang told investigators he started walking, but turned to find a hunter pointing a rifle at him. He says the hunter shot at him and missed. Vang states that's when he shot twice and says when he saw the others run toward ATV's, he thought they were going for guns. But investigators say they examined the ATV's and found no guns, gun cases or gun racks.

Autopsies show 4 of the 6 victims were gunned down from behind. Robert Crotteau was shot in the lower back. Joe Crotteau was shot four times in the back. Allan Laski had multiple gunshots to the back, while Jessica Willers had 2 gunshots to the back.

The Wisconsin Attorney General is prosecuting. She says while first degree murder requires premeditation, that's still possible in this case. "Premeditation can be momentary," Wisconsin Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager said.

The court records also show Robert Crotteau's son Carter heard the cries for help on the walkie-talkie. He and Brandon Willers rescued one of the injured men. Vang did not shoot at them. But moments later, Vang states he did shoot at two other rescuers headed to the scene, killing Allan Laski and Jessica Willers.

Updated: 11/30/2004 10:20:48 AM - VIDEO

Associated Press Writer

HAYWARD, Wis. (AP) - A Minnesota man accused of fatally shooting six deer hunters in the woods of northern Wisconsin appeared in a makeshift courtroom Tuesday a day after charges were filed against him.

During a brief five-minute hearing held in a basement classroom at the Sawyer County Sheriff's Department, Chai Vang, 36, of St. Paul, waived his right to a preliminary hearing within 10 days and one was set instead for Dec. 29.

The criminal complaint filed Monday said the hunters managed to shoot back once - maybe twice - after a confrontation about trespassing.

Two survivors told investigators no one in their group pointed a gun at the Hmong immigrant before he opened fire in an assault that had four of the victims shot in the back, according to the complaint.

He was charged in Sawyer County Circuit Court with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide, each carrying a life prison term, and two counts of attempted murder.

Defense attorney Steven Kohn said Vang was mentally competent to understand the charges against him and participate in proceedings in the case. Vang moved to the United States more than 20 years ago and is a naturalized citizen.

The hearing was held in a basement classroom because the sheriff could not make the courthouse secure without massive efforts, Judge Norman Yackel said.

The judge read the charges and asked Vang if he understood them.

"Yes," replied the handcuffed defendant, who was wearing an orange jail jump suit and shackles on his legs.

Vang told the judge he was not under the influence of drugs. Yackel also asked Vang about his education, and he said he gone to a two-year college.

Bond remained at $2.5 million, but Kohn said he reserved the right to address that issue later.

The defense attorney declined after the hearing to discuss the case or describe Vang's emotional state.

The criminal complaint said Vang, a deer hunter since 1992, told investigators the other hunters used racial slurs and profanity as they told him to leave, and they fired the first shot at him - suggesting he acted in self-defense.

The killings occurred in southern Sawyer County Nov. 21 - the second day of the state's nine-day gun deer season.

The criminal complaint said Vang told investigators he fired 10 to 13 shots from his semiautomatic rifle, and the victims fired at him twice - including the first shot when he was walking away after being told he was trespassing on private land.

But two survivors, Terry Willers and Lauren Hesebeck, indicated only one shot was fired at Vang - by Hesebeck, who was already wounded, the complaint said. Hesebeck said he fired only after he was shot in the shoulder trying to dodge bullets fired by Vang. By then, he said, some of his friends lay mortally wounded on the ground.

Vang said at one point he saw one of the hunters still standing, yelled "You're not dead yet?", shot one more time and ran away down an ATV trail, the complaint said.

The criminal complaint indicates investigators found only one rifle at the scene of the killings.

Vang still had his empty rifle when he was arrested several hours after the shooting as another hunter helped him find his way out of the woods.

Killed were Robert Crotteau, 42; his son Joey Crotteau, 20; Al Laski, 43; Mark Roidt, 28; Terry Willers' daughter Jessica Willers 27; and Dennis Drew, 55, all from the Rice Lake area.

Terry Willers, 47, who worked with Crotteau in Crotteau's construction business, and Hesebeck, 48, who worked with Drew at a car business, were released from the hospital last week.

The Crotteaus, Laski and Jessica Willers were all shot in the back - the younger Crotteau, four times, the complaint said.

The final two funerals for the victims were held Monday, with family and friends paying tribute to Jessica Willers and Drew in separate services.

A week's passage did little to heal the community's wounds from the shootings, the Rev. Jim Powers said in his homily at Willers' service.

"Most of us are just as confused and lost and stunned as we were when we first heard about it," Powers told several hundred mourners. "We need to work through this and we need to help others work through it."

At a different church later Monday, mourners spilled out onto the steps outside to pay respects to Drew, a father of three who was raised on a dairy farm, served in the Army in Vietnam and returned to the area to raise his family.

Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager, whose office is prosecuting the case, refused Monday to address specific questions about it.

She also declined to say whether the state was looking into a possible connection between Vang and the unsolved killing of another hunter three years ago.

In that case, a 37-year-old Medford man was shot in the back twice as he hunted alone on family land about 80 miles from last week's shootings.

Vang originally told deputies. The criminal complaint explains how the hunters in northwestern Wisconsin were shot and how two managed to survive.

The criminal complaint describes the chilling accounts from each witness about what happened... including how one of them was rescued. It also includes Chai Vang's side of the story. He first tells investigators he didn't shoot any of the hunters. But that story changed.

The complaint shows Chai Vang initially told investigators one of the hunters took his gun and shot the others. It does not say why Vang all of sudden changed that story to instead claim the hunters confronted him, using racial slurs and profanity.

He states the hunters threatened to turn him in for trespassing and told him to quote: "follow the ATV trail and get the f--- out of here and never come back."

Vang told investigators he started walking, but turned to find a hunter pointing a rifle at him. He says the hunter shot at him and missed. Vang states that's when he shot twice and says when he saw the others run toward ATV's, he thought they were going for guns. But investigators say they examined the ATV's and found no guns, gun cases or gun racks.

Autopsies show 4 of the 6 victims were gunned down from behind. Robert Crotteau was shot in the lower back. Joe Crotteau was shot four times in the back. Allan Laski had multiple gunshots to the back, while Jessica Willers had 2 gunshots to the back.

The Wisconsin Attorney General is prosecuting. She says while first degree murder requires premeditation, that's still possible in this case. "Premeditation can be momentary," Wisconsin Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager said.

The court records also show Robert Crotteau's son Carter heard the cries for help on the walkie-talkie. He and Brandon Willers rescued one of the injured men. Vang did not shoot at them. But moments later, Vang states he did shoot at two other rescuers headed to the scene, killing Allan Laski and Jessica Willers.

metalback 12-13-2004 06:43 AM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
This low life deserves the very maximum our country can dish out!!! To back shoot hunters----multiple times---means he for sure wanted them all dead. He needs to be placed in with the biggest, baddest SOB's our prison system has to offer and be abused every day for the rest of his life. Death would be way to easy of a cop out for him---IMO This is exactly why there a non-hunting groups forming to ruin our hunting opportunities in this country. For any of you thinking that I should be forgiving I say in this instance---bullhockey!!!!! This is the lowest of lowlife and deserves a very long lifetime of serious abuse on a daily, if not hourly schedule. Man he has me wound for sound----there's nothing that could be done to him that is bad enough in my eyes. He is one large piece of sh-t and I wish him the very worst life possible for the rest of his misrable days!!!! I'd also like to say my most sincere condolences to the familys of the fallen hunters. Boy, it's the real sh-ts when you spend ex amount of years dodgeing bullets in Viet Nam protecting your country----and end up getting back shot multiple times by a scum bag right in your own backyard!!!! Totally abuse this guy please---forever!!!!!!!

Firehawk7309 12-13-2004 07:04 AM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
Maybe I have the wrong idea here, but they should turn Vang back over to the families of the dead and let them decide his fate.

SuperMagnum 12-13-2004 07:30 AM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
You don't have the wrong idea, I agree he should be turned over to the family too myself.

onebullet 12-13-2004 03:23 PM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
there is no doubt, he killed em, and is a liar on top of that, in my opinion.

send him ta da big house, bubba needs a new lover and slash needs fresh fish blood

go to and see reactions from hmoung community-type chi vang in search box for whole story---- sounds like a lot of people feel the way i do-they kill anything that moves,overlimit on fish, AND TRESPASS-----funny thing vang owns 40 acres in kanabec county in minn. to hunt on why was he not there?

bumper sticker in wisc. --SAVE A DEER- SHOOT A HMOUNG
come on people, dont give the anti-gun-hunting any fuel from this incident,
one question --should hmoung not have to go thru hunter safety just as everyone else did before they could hunt-and learn the morals, laws and consequences???? and game officals enforce the violations on these people who break our and now THEIR laws
vengance is mine--GOD
no deer is worth a human life..........................onebullet

KONK 12-16-2004 11:56 AM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
IMO if you can't speak, read or write english how can you understand the hunting laws. Why should the Hmong be given a different set of rules to hunt by. The first thing a Game Warden will tell you if you commit an offense and say " I didn't know " will be Ignorance of the law is no excuse. We have here in Northeast Wisconsin over 1000 Hmong comming to our area by the end of this year from Thialand. I can only see the situation getting worse before it gets better.

Charlie P 12-16-2004 12:57 PM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???

IMO if you can't speak, read or write english how can you understand the hunting laws
Vang spoke read and wrote English .

onebullet 12-16-2004 01:17 PM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???


IMO if you can't speak, read or write english how can you understand the hunting laws
Vang spoke read and wrote English .
i think he was referring to the rest of the hmoung hunters not vang
will there come a time when we shut our borders?????

Canadian Bush Wacker 12-16-2004 04:06 PM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
The time to close the borders was about 20 years ago! I live in Canada, and we let anyone in, I mean anyone, and pay them and pay and pay. Each new group, new crime wave, I have see them all, Russians, Polish, Iranians, The Iranians where good people and went by the law. then came the serbs and the others, the list goes on and I have worked with them all, They all cheat , steal and most sell drugs and still get a goverment cheque and work for cash under the table, and laugh at the white guys who work full time and pay taxes and so on. [:@] I am not racist , nor will I promote hatred. But it comes a time when it gets rubbed in your face enough, you start to wonder.

Runningun 12-16-2004 07:46 PM

RE: anyone heard the latest on chi vang???
Find a Tall Oak Tree

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