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onebullet 12-29-2004 10:33 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
turn em in -turn em in -turn em in- in in=" bonanza song"

defendwihunters 12-30-2004 05:34 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
Onebullet, we have something in common - our dislike of the invasion of the Hmong people. I am so disgusted with them...have been for quite some time...and have heaps of stories I could share. Shoot, we'd need a whole new forum to get it all in!!

I'll try to summarize a bit of all I've learned of these people (although I have a difficult time thinking of them as human, I confess). First of all, my community is inundated with them. It started slow and now it's a blasted infestation. On Christmas Eve I had to run to Kmart to get a cord for a printer I bought my folks and my goodness I felt like I just walked into Laos!! It was awful! The store was FULL of nothing but Hmongs roaming little girl was even lost...and there were clusters of the male species hanging together in groups. One of the groups started making gestures and laughing at me when I was at the checkout desk. I was most uncomfortable but would have been dam***d before I'd let it show so I stared him down the freak. I went to my car shaking, not because of fear, but because of anger. Every single male I see looks like Vang to me and I see red and ache inside all over again for those six hunters. I've been fed up with those people for a long, long time but those murders were the last straw for me!

I even moved into a luxury apartment building in hopes of escaping them since they started taking over my city and what do you know...I move into my apartment and blast it all if back to back with me there isn't a Hmong family. This guy is quiet for the most part, but his true colors show just like they all do in the right situation. Get this one:

Not two days after the killings, this (help me) neighbor of mine had eight friends come over IN HUNTING CLOTHES!!!!! They stood in front of the building, which happens to be right in front of my patio deck, and were loud, obnoxious, talking in their own language but pointing and looking at everyone coming and going as if they were t rying to intimidate us. The best part of this all is, in the nearly two years I've lived here, he never had friends here before.

Oh I could go on and on but see this is getting long already...I know a lot about these people now, not by choice but in self defense and I'm ready to start writing letters to stop this infestation from growing in WI. If these six murders weren't enough, what on earth will be??? [:@]

One more quick mention - if you want a lily-livered leftist view (although there is factual truth about these half-human monsters and where they came from, too), go to

Also, straight from the CIA web site, here's what they do in Laos:

world's third-largest illicit opium producer (estimated cultivation in 2003 - 18,900 hectares, a 19% decrease over 2002; estimated potential production in 2003 - 200 metric tons, a 11% increase from 2002); potential heroin producer; transshipment point for heroin and methamphetamine produced in Burma; illicit producer of cannabis; growing methamphetamine abuse problem

defendwihunters 12-30-2004 05:37 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
Another fact about their "way of life":

Teenage marriage and polygamy are two dark parts of Hmong culture that have simply got to go. It is

tragically common for young Hmong girls to enter into illegal "marriages" to older men. Girls may be "married"

as early as age 13 to men ranging from age 17 to 35, sometimes twice their age, but more commonly four or

five years older. These are Hmong style "marriages" done by a shaman having no legal authority and, in fact,

typically being against state marriage laws. In many cases, the so-called marriage qualifies as sexual child

abuse, and some of the older men have been prosecuted.
Polygamy is another dark side of Hmong culture in need of cultural repair. A number of Hmong men go find girl

friends, often in other cities, and even enter into bogus second "marriages" with them. One of the terrible things

about this is that the man often gives a large fraction of his income to the new "wife," sometimes leaving the

neglected first wife without enough money to take care of her kids. The first wife is often aware of the new

relationship, and sometimes it is rubbed in her face to make her feel even worse and lower than she already

does. This so-called polygamy is really just adultery, but with the pernicious twist of impoverishing and

degrading the first wife even more than "normal" adultery does. Anglo or Hmong, adultery is for scum. It's a

problem for both cultures, of course. In Hmong culture, since it is more visible, it's especially problematic.

Whole families grow up knowing that their father is married to another woman, and that their mother is either a

neglected first wife or an illicit second wife. It's ugly.

Source: -- a Hmong sympathizer yet!! [:-]

adams 12-31-2004 11:30 AM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang

I know its given me a different outlook on confronting tresspassers
I think this is the biggest thing for me. I'll definately think twice before running someone off my property. You just never know what the next man is thinking.

onebullet 12-31-2004 01:51 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
wow thanks for the input --very eye opening for those who do not know about these people and sad to say but it is true-i didnt mention the polygamy because i figured everyone would think i was just blasting their race


just turn em in if you see laws broken- together -we CAN all make a difference

we must not let vang become an idol to these people and think what he did was (choke) brave standing up to the big bad americans and their insults(the war still rages for them) they must learn that their attitude WILL NOT BE TOLERATED as to OUR LAWS and HUNTING or any other disregard for the laws IN THE UNITED STATES where they now live,

to the B.O.'s
shape up or ship out i know i am tired of your attitudes and you KNOW who YOU are

PS tell your buddies how we feel GEE I WONDER WHY?

Archer18 12-31-2004 02:21 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
aye, anymore you have to be very careful

over here in the west i havent come across the vangs or whatever they are, but more power to you guys over there, this is the united states, if your going to come here and demand rights, you better respect the citizens here, you dont see us overunning congobongo and disrespecting them

GAmagman 12-31-2004 05:37 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
My parents live near Dalton GA, and if you know anything about it you know it is basically Little Mexico. Don't think that it is just one group that acts like this. The mexicans do the same thing. In Dalton in about 3/4 of the city the signs are all in Spanish, and they are everywhere. It's basically the same deal.

defendwihunters 12-31-2004 09:33 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang


just turn em in if you see laws broken- together -we CAN all make a difference
Yes, EXACTLY, onebullet, exactly!!! I've had it and last night I sent out four letters - to my Federal Senators, State Senator and to my Mayor. We are expecting another 3,000 plus of these Hmongs and I'm begging they put a stop to it. I know they probably won't listen to just one voice, but if enough would start speaking up, they would have to stop and pay some attention.

I live alone, and right now it's New Years Eve night, I had no plans other than church and I come home to my Hmong neighbor having a party. You should see the little brown bodies running in and out - ug! No one else is around in my section; everyone is out. Kids are screaming, doors are slamming, there's this banging on my wall and if this continues much longer, I'm calling the police.

These people don't have any respect. My mother is handicapped and we have one handicapped spot. This creep will use it any time he feels like it so now I have him ticketed whenever I see it. The real corker is we all have a garage he's supposed to be parking in because the parking lot is limited, but he doesn't follow that rule, either. The last apartment complex I lived in became infested with these people and when one family moved in below my unit and was making a racket at 3 AM and I called the police, they called me a threat! One middle-aged, single woman minding her own business against 15 to 20 of them - and I was the threat!! Management told me they wouldn't do anything because they feared discrimination attacks, which is precisely what they did. One of those creeps flashed me, others verbally abused me ... I could go on and on.

Another problem is they stink something awful and when that stench starts seeping out from their door and gets into the hallways and other units, it hangs there and everyone can suffer. And they literally butcher animals right in their units. This is a violation of city ordinance, but do they care? Heck no!!

Sorry...venting on you all, apologize. I'm just so fed up I can barely stand it. Thank you for understanding what it's like, onebullet. People truly do need to know the whole story - the whole TRUE story, not the sympathetic sob story the Press give you.

GAmagman, I know what you mean about those Spanish people, too -- they can be a thorn in our sides, too. You have my empathy! Although I do think they're a tad more human than these strange, Godless people called Hmongs! :(

onebullet 01-01-2005 12:29 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
as a mechanic in the dealership, we would just dread seeing these people come in to have their vehicles serviced, why because of the smell, 8 techs worked there and when we had to work on their vehicle we would draw straws to see who had to work on it, which would require us to drive it from the service bay to our hoists,one guy paid another 10$ just to put it on the lift for him( poor newbie) i kid you not he threw up 15 seconds after he got in, there were fish heads decaying behind the front seat, my service director (a great guy) got pissed at the(we called em dungs) and told the driver to take that effin stink wagon and get out ,he told em he is not having his techs get sick just because they were slobs and pigs, they laughed at him, it then became a game with them to bring in the most awful smelling vehicle the could find, one van i remember had fresh human feces[:'(][:@] in the back, the service director said thats it and refused to work on their vehicles period, the dungs tried to sue us over discrimination, the judge told the dungs that we had a right to refuse because of the health risk;)

truth is stranger than fiction sometimes

defendwihunters 01-02-2005 04:02 PM

RE: Interesting tie to this area and Chai Vang
Oh is that disgusting!! But certainly in keeping with their nature. These people have no common sense, no sense of decency, they're most often totally uneducated, and darn it all but it's just true - they do smell bad!!

Keep the stories coming -- I'm making a collection!!!

I once was dating a man who had a friend who was a landlord. He, due to discrimination laws, rented to a Hmong family (dung is more appropriate! lol) because he said they were polite to him, the father had a good job, there were only five kids as opposed to the usual dozen, they were driving a nice vehicle (poor guy didn't know all this stuff was given to them), etc.,etc. IN other words, he felt it was a safe risk and tried to be a good person by realizing they are human and need a place to live, too. Well, to sum up an otherwise long story, the whole experience was a nightmare for him. He sold the home after he cleaned up the mess and said forget being a landlord if this is what our laws force a person to put up with. He said there were blood stains all over the basement floor and bathroom. The carpets stunk so bad he had to remove them, and get the flooring underneath specially treated three times before the smell was eliminated enough to put new carpeting in. He said it took four coats of paint to cover the blood in the basement -- it was on the walls, too.

The hmongs also screamed discrimination when he evicted them. THe case went to court, the landlord showed the pictures of the damage and had witnesses to attest to the smells and other destruction and got off but get this one - - the paper never reported one word, nor did the Hmongs get ordered to pay for any damages.

Then a few months later my local newspaper donated $20,000 toward a Hmong Memorial that those people want put up in this city for "their service in Vietnam". THEY WERE PAID BY THE CIA!! We never had a treaty with them - they can't write, they couldn't have signed on anyway!! They claim we made them all these promises then deserted them. but the truth is, there is absolutely NO record to be found of any kind of agreement, promise, what have you, between them and the U.S.

ARG! [:@][:@][:@]

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