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Split-Hoof 09-04-2003 04:27 PM

Let' s share some hunting stories!
I thought it would be cool to share past hunting experiences while many of us are waiting for the season to roll around. So everybody....share your most memorable hunting story.....doesn' t have to be your biggest deer shot, maybe you didn' t even get a shot at one, but if a certain hunt sticks out in your memory, let' s hear it!

I have many, but one of my most memorable is when I shot my biggest buck:

It was a crisp, frosty morning in the second week of November, 1997. I had been hunting in my usual stomping grounds until that point without much luck. My grandfather and his hunting buddy Paul from NJ had scouted a new area and found good deer sign. They even saw a few does while driving in to the spot. This morning my grandfather opted to stay home and rest for the day, since he had been hunting hard. His partner still wanted to hunt, and asked me if I wanted to join him. I was excited about trying out the spot and decided to go with him.

It was already getting light out as we stopped at the checkpoint. Normally I like to already be in the woods by then, but it didn' t bother me since I was planning to make it more of a scouting trip than anything. We drove along in his little S10 pickup as he talked about the sign they had seen earlier in the week.

We arrived at the spot and quickly got ready for the hunt. He chose to follow a trail along the edge of a ridge, and I decided to make my way down towards some thick cover along the edge of the brook. There was no snow on the ground yet for tracking, and the leaves were crispy, so I decided I would still-hunt very slowly until I found a decent place to sit and watch.

I walked for a ways up the old logging road Paul had followed until I found a faint deer trail leading in the direction of the brook. I then sat on a log for a bit and just relaxed my mind and body to prepare myself. This helps to clear my mind of distractions and get in touch with the spirit of the woods......a kind of meditation I guess.

With my senses on full alert I began an extremely slow creep down the trail. I hadn' t gone more than 50 yards when I came to an intersection of deer trails. I studied the ground closely and noticed a big track in the leaves. It was obviously a heavy deer, and seemed to be following a doe. My heart skipped a beat.....the deer were not far away.

I followed the tracks, even more slowly now, watching and listening after every carefully placed step. When I neared the edge of the cedar swamp surrounding the brook, I found what seemed to be an ideal place to sit. There were numerous twitching trails cut through the alders and poplar, which provided good shooting lanes. I sat down between the roots of a leaning cedar and rested my back up against it. I waited for about ten minutes and then began using my call. After calling a few times with the doe bleat, I noticed movement in the cedar thicket. I wasn' t sure at first what it was.....maybe a bird, I thought. Then I saw it again in the same spot, and noticed both brown and white spots. I immediately looked through my 4x scope and focused on the movement. It was a buck thrashing a sapling! I watched for a while, trying to determine the size of the animal. It appeared to be a six-point or possibly a small eight, but it was hard to be sure through the thick brush. I blew a couple soft doe grunts on my call, and the deer vanished! I then saw movement again, and heard was coming closer! At one point it stopped and all I could see was the rack, which turned out to be a small eight pointer. Then all at once, the deer dissapeared like a gust of wind had carried him away.

I waited, called, waited and called some more, but the deer was gone! I decided to make my way to where I last saw the deer, hoping to pick up the track in the wet moss. I had gone maybe 15 yards when I saw a flicker of white close to the spot where I had last seen the buck. I crouched down behing a blowdown and called once, waited a minute, and called again. I then tucked the call into my hunting jacket and sat still, hoping the deer would come investigate. The wind had picked up and I couldn' t hear the deer walking, but occasionally I would see a leg or two moving through the underbrush.

5 minutes or so later, I heard a footstep behind me......startled, I turned around to see a doe 20 feet from me!! She jumped and I jumped at the same time, and at the same moment I heard a branch break off to my left. I turned again to see a huge-bodied buck 20 yards or so away. He saw me at exactly the same time I saw him, but before I knew it I had raised my gun and shot him before he had a chance to bolt. He took off after the shot and went crashing through the brush towards the brook. I sat down and tried to catch my breath as everything that had just happened sunk in. It had happened so fast, I didn' t know if I had made a good shot or not. The image of that horse-bodied buck standing there was permanently burned into my mind. I sat and ate a sandwich before walking over to the spot where I had shot him. I was happy to see an absolute river of a blood trail!

I walked back to the truck and blew the horn once to signal to Paul that I had shot a deer. We would need help to drag him out, since Paul had heart problems and I have problems from a back injury. While I was waiting, another hunter drove up and asked if I had shot. When I told him I had killed a big buck, he offered to help track him down and dress him. I said no at first, but he seemed very excited to help so I said alright and we went back into the woods.

We had no problem finding the buck......he was a ten pointer with a huge body and big swollen neck. I was sure he would be a contender for the big buck club! The rack wasn' t that big for a ten pointer, but here in Maine big deer often have somewhat smallish racks. When we got him to the tagging station and on the scale, he weighed 234 pounds. The biggest on the club at the time was 235! I wasn' t dissapointed though, since either way he was my biggest buck and one heck of a trophy!

Wow......that was a lot of typing hehe. Now lets hear some other stories!

huntinfool14 09-05-2003 10:39 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
This is my story of my most exciting night while hunting.
The date was October 30, the night before Halloween. Their is something about hunting around Halloween, it just get' s me pumped up for some reason. The bucks were just starting to rut, but the does weren' t ready yet. As I got out of school that night, I just had a feeling that something was going to happen. I went on with my routine taking my shower, getting dressed,etc. I headed out praying that the farmer picked the corn field I wanted to hunt. To my suprise when I drove up on my hunting area the field was picked. I easied up into my stand on the edge of that cut corn field and got ready. At about 4:30 I decided I would try my can call. About 5 minutes after I called I heard a twig snap. I looked in the direction that the twig snap came from, I couldn' t see anything. About 2-3 minutes later I saw a tine coming my way. It was of a decent 8 pointer. The buck was walking on the same trail that I walked in on and he smelled my boots, and tried to cut the corner that I was set up in. As he got in the thick brush 40 yards away, I can called again. He made a U-Turn and acted like he was going to leave the way he came in. But instead he circled around downwind of me and jumped a doe and a fawn from the ravine behind me. Making a complete circle 40 yards around me, he chased the doe out into the field, and chased her for the rest of the night. At about 5 I was watching the buck chase the doe and fawn when I look almost right underneath me and their is a fork horn that sneaked up from behind me. He walks out into the field and the eight pointer comes charging over their and they start to fight. The fight lasted for only about 5 seconds and the fork horn backs down. All this just out of range. The 8 pointer goes back to harassing the does and the fork starts eating the corn the farmer dropped. About 15 minutes later I notice the fork get real tense when another buck comes about into the trail about 50 yards away. The fork and this buck size each other up and start to fight and they fight for about 15 seconds when the fork backs down again. I decide to try the can one last time as I only have about 5 minutes left in shooting time. The new buck and the fork horn start heading my way, the new buck is leading. By now it' s pretty dark and I really can' t see the bucks antlers. I let the first buck get to about 18 yards and bleat with my mouth to stop him and I start to center my pin on him and I can barely see my pin but couldn' t hardly see through my peep. I get that all straightened out and strain to see his body. I finally get it all lined up and touch the release. The buck didn' t practically react and just whirled around and trotted off. I thought I had missed. He ran about 20 yards and stopped. Then he started to stutter and crashed right on the edge of the woods. It was a small 6 pointer but it sure was an exciting night!

Split-Hoof 09-06-2003 12:17 AM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
Wow, huntin' that was an awesome story! Bucks fighting is not something many hunters get a chance to see, you were very lucky and that must have been exciting to watch! A happy ending too:)

And just when I was starting to think I was the only one with any stories to tell:D. C' mon people, let' s hear some more!

Joe_148 09-06-2003 06:31 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
Great stories guys! there getting me even more excited about this years hunt..

On the second week of the deer hunt we go to a shotgun-only place about 15 minutes from my house after school with a few guys then on Saturday all day. Last year this Saturday was freezing cold, over -30 C with the windchill. In the morning I was freezing on my watch so me and my dad warmed up in the truck a bit. Once the other guys rounded up we headed to another farm where two guys were going to do a drive. Four of us lined the property and I sat at the edge of the pasture looking into an island of trees about 60 yards down from my dad. I had been sitting there freezing my arse off for about 20 minutes when the two of them reached my end of the drive. I relaxed a little after realizing the drive was near its end..and then what I thought was them coming through the brush crashing was 3 deer! all of them were does (we figure 2 were last years fawns because they were pretty much does) and they were headed right for me and jumped some downed trees and entered into the little opening. I was sitting down with the flip top gloves and didnt have time to flip them off (I always pictured the deer coming and me flipping the top off :D- it all happens so quick though) So I stuck probably 2 or more fingers through the trigger..BOOM- the deer then changed path and veered to the right..BOOM one drops..BOOM they keep running and come to the guy to the right of me BOOM BOOM-he missed the two shots then on the third somehow got nervous and pumped out his last shell by mistake.[:o] I walked up to the doe and it took one more shot to finish things. My first deer! It was pretty exciting, especially when three deer jumped out instead of two humans!

Split-Hoof 09-06-2003 10:14 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
Cool story Joe, lots of action and you got your first deer too:D! Congrats, and those are some good pics you have to remind you of the hunt! Good luck to you this season.

Joe_148 09-08-2003 01:41 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
Come on guys, is that all the stories we have?

Portage 09-08-2003 03:59 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
November 1995 Opening Day. Picked up a friend at his house in Allagash about 4:30 AM . Drove to the North Maine Woods gate and waited for them to open at 5. As we checked in, it began to snow and I remember that we looked at each other and grinned. We kept thinking about unpressured deer, opening day, biggest body weight, and snow. It doesn’t get any better. We drove the 11 miles in hard snow to the turnoff. Then it was a 5-6 mile 4 wheel drive trip from hell followed by a mile walk down an old trail. Man was this place loaded with deer. By now there was maybe 2-3 inches of snow on the ground and it was still coming down.

One of my favorite spots in there was called the hemlock. For some reason, the deer always crossed the ridge at this one hemlock tree on top of a beech ridge. It was a great spot and had produced a lot of deer over the years. I stillhunted into my stand and sat down. By this time the snow had ended and the wind was beginning to pick up. About 9 AM I caught some movement and saw that a deer was working its way towards the tree. Uncanny. As he got closer, I saw that it was a decent buck and had a pretty nice set of antlers. As I looked him over, I decided to pass as I didn’t believe it would dress at 200 plus pounds. Oh boy, passing a full racked buck on opening day. This was going to be good.

November 1995 Last Day. I’m sitting at the hemlock, mentally kicking myself for not shooting that buck on opening day. We had hunted hard and pounded a bunch of spots. Saw some does and one more spike or fork horned buck but nothing overly impressive. Everyone had tagged out but my father and myself. This is not good. There was maybe 8-10 inches of snow on the ground and a light flurry was falling with absolutely no wind. We hadn’t hunted this spot in a week and figured this was our best bet. Dad said that he wanted to hunt until noon and call it a season. About 9:30, I heard Dad shoot off in the distance.

Wasn’t sure what to do, so like a good son, I stayed put. Figured I never find him anyway so I might as well hunt. At 11:30 I was getting fidgety and trying to figure out a good story as to why I passed a nice buck when I caught some movement and saw a deer working his way towards the hemlock. As he got closer, I saw that it was a decent buck that had a pretty nice set of antler. I put the crosshairs on his shoulder and squeezed. He dropped right there and my season was over. A 179 pound 9 pointer that was I believe the same deer I passed on opening day. (Sort of wonder what he would have weighted earlier). As I dragged him to the truck I met up with dad who had killed a 150 pound 6 pointer. All in all a good end to a rather frustrating season

Portage 09-08-2003 04:15 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
One more and I’ll quit.

We used to hunt the Big and Little Black River areas before they were opened up. In 1989, the Allagash area got absolutely pounded with snow and there was up to 4 feet in some areas. We decided to head towards the Big Black as it was at least huntable. Irving built the bridge across the river making it accessible without our canoe. My brother, best friend, and myself decided to hunt the far side of the river on the “new” road. There was between 2 and 3 feet of snow on the ground so my brother decided to use snowshoes. We parted company and he took off through a swamp. About mid morning we heard a shot waaaayyyy off in the distance. That couldn’t be him.

Hunted the rest of the day and got back to the truck after dark. My buddy was sitting there but no brother. About 5:30 we started getting a little worried and began blowing the truck horn. At 6:30 we planned to have my buddy head back for some help and I’d stay put and occasionally fire some shots. Out of the darkness appeared my brother, sweaty, and carrying one snowshoe. Said that he had shot a deer at 9:30 that morning and had been dragging ever since. We drove up to where he came out of the woods, about ½ mile from where we parked and went in easily another ½ mile to get the deer. 190 pound- 8 pointer.

My brother said that dragging a deer in snowshoes was a real pain in the neck so he took them off. Had to actually walk ahead and beat the snow down to make a trail. Jim sat in the truck while we loaded the deer. As we got in the truck we noticed that my brother was sound asleep

Split-Hoof 09-08-2003 04:39 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
Portage - WOW! What a surprise to hear stories about hunting in my hometown! I know the Big and Little Black river areas very well, perhaps I' ve even seen you in the woods before. No deer in those places though, I wouldn' t recommend anyone hunt there;).

Seems this thread is picking up.....I think I' ll go brew some coffee and then come back and share another memorable hunting experience with everybody:).

Portage 09-08-2003 05:48 PM

RE: Let' s share some hunting stories!
Yeah, none what so ever. Barren.

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