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gunther89 01-03-2011 11:46 AM

Warnke gets new job!!!
Warnke is out as the Big game Coordinator in the DNR. Here is the link that tells you what his new job will be. Scott Walker is already doing a great job!!

Robbi 01-03-2011 02:22 PM

Great, now he can screw up Wisconsins Hunter Education Programs!

Sfury 01-03-2011 03:50 PM

I don't know about Walker and his views on hunting. He's an out of touch Milwaukee politician. The lesser of two evils in the last election.

It's funny, the DNR set out to thin the heard, succeeded, and now are being berated for their success. They can't win as an organization.

The good news for us in the Badger state is that we should gain better self protection laws and finally join the rest of the nation with CCW finally being passed into law.

jlm60195 01-03-2011 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by Sfury (Post 3752306)
The good news for us in the Badger state is that we should gain better self protection laws and finally join the rest of the nation with CCW finally being passed into law.

Yeah, Rub it in.......:cry:I'm still stuck in this god forbidden state that's controlled by the city of Chitcago

mr.mc54 01-05-2011 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by Sfury (Post 3752306)
It's funny, the DNR set out to thin the heard, succeeded, and now are being berated for their success. They can't win as an organization.

The good news for us in the Badger state is that we should gain better self protection laws and finally join the rest of the nation with CCW finally being passed into law.

How can anyone be sympathetic to the way the DNR destroyed the deer herd in WI??? I say they need a kick in the A$$, not a pat on the back!

And yes, Walker will back the constitution and get ccw into law.:s2:

Sfury 01-05-2011 01:35 PM

Well, the DNR needed to thin the herd. They did that, and then some in some areas. Their approach was overly heavyhanded, and with spotty results.

Some regions still have an overabundance of deer, and others need the herd to re-build itself after the overharvest. It's the typical result from such a shotgun based strategy used.

It's hard to say the right thing was done, but at the same time it's hard to say that nothing had to be done as well.

Schobs 01-06-2011 09:19 AM

A million hunters in the state, there's absolutely no way to please them all. I'm sick of people complaining about not seeing deer and blaming the DNR or wolves or bears or any of a myriad of other excuses people come up with.

I haven't seen a deer in the last two years while gun hunting on my family's property in Northern Wisconsin. I also have no excuse for not getting out and scouting more and trying to locate more deer.

The DNR didn't "destroy" the deer herd in Wisconsin, hunters did. The DNR allowed for plenty of antlerless permits to be bought and used, and we took the bait. My hunting party isn't excluded from this group either. For many years we shot quite a few does off of our property, and now we're facing the consequences. Two deer shot out of 9 guys hunting this year, and of the 7 that didn't get a shot off, only 1 saw a deer. Yeah, we've had bears and wolves in the area, and of course they ate some fawns and does and bucks, but that's been happening for tens of thousands of years.

C'mon, people. It's time to take responsibility for the role we as hunters played in the thinning of the deer herd in Wisconsin. I for one look forward to hunting in the future. I plan to scout more and hunt harder. The herd will rebound, there's no doubt about that. Once the habitat--that was previously decimated by deer herds at or above carrying capacity--regrows, there will be too many deer again. Then it will be time to go through this all over again.

I congratulate Warnke on his new position. I've had a few e-mail correspondences with him and he's a very down-to-earth guy that was placed in a difficult position with Wisconsin's deer herd. He has way more experience than Walker's new "deer czar," let's see how this new guy withstands the pressure. Keith is the kind of guy that was in the kind of position to wake up opening morning two years ago, look out his window at all the fog, and just know that he was going to be constantly hearing about how nobody saw deer and it was all his fault. I wish him all the luck in his new position.

How long until we're calling for the new "deer czar's" resignation?

gunther89 01-06-2011 07:31 PM

Who was the one who put Earn A Buck in place? Earn A Buck forces you to an antlerless deer before you can harvest a buck. Please tell me how, we hunters are to blame when if we want to shoot a buck, we are forced to shoot a doe or fawn. I agree that we took advantage of free or very cheap antlerless tags but the DNR is still the ones who put Earn A Buck in.

Schobs 01-06-2011 08:25 PM

I know how EAB worked, believe me. True, the DNR did put the pinch on hunters w/ that management tool, but there's still no denying the herd in WI was out of control. There were more deer and less habitat than ever. The health of the herd was at risk, and the DNR dealt with it as they saw fit. After a few years of EAB, after it served its purpose, and many many people complained/whined, the DNR got rid of it. I'm not sure what more you want or expect from a government organization. If the DNR had done nothing with the CWD, people would have been up in arms blaming them for not doing anything to conservatively protect the health of the herd.

Walker bought his first hunting license 2 years ago. And from what I've heard, his new czar's background mainly involves running a sporting goods store.

I'll go on the record as saying that in 2 years, after the season of 2012, people will be calling for a full resignation of the DNR again. Unfortunately, I predict it will take longer than that for the herd to bounce back to overpopulated numbers we saw a few years ago, and these guys won't be able to convince people of this fact any more effectively than the last guys were.

browningbolt 01-11-2011 05:09 PM

no EAB is STILL alive look at your regs.Just not maybe in your unit.

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