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Guss 02-09-2006 08:52 PM

Going to AK, ye hawwww
Well it is on, will be heading up there in August for around 8 days of fishing, cant wait. Will be going after bow-bows for the most part but am looking forward to catching some Grayling. I have been there once already, the summer after I graduate High School, and have been dreaming of going back, but this time my dad and brother will be with me.

On a side note were are some cool places you guys have fished around the worled. I have been to Yellowstone twice and Ak once, but I still think the best fishing is in my back yard, everything is relative.

Chuck7 02-12-2006 03:27 PM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
I'm happy for ya my friend. you can't beat Rainbow Trout. I live in the best fishing around I believe. It's a hot fish management. All bass must be returned so they get bigger each year. There are lots of game wardens so folks are keeping the law. We can keep a number of crappie and bluegill so fishing is great. There are also many bass tournaments around and 100s of public lakes. Most bass fishermen throw their bass back so fishing is great.
I'd give that all up though for a creel of trout any day.;)
Good luck my friend and drive safely.

Guss 02-12-2006 09:04 PM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
Yah Chuck we have lots to plan, and lots of money to save.

We are going to fly up there, I wish I had the time to drive, I hear the ride is beautiful.

I love Bluegills, learned to fish catching gills. Man they can fight for such a small fish. Sometimes we fish them with the fly rods and rubber spiders, lots of fun.

A man that is happy in his own back yard will be happy any were he finds him self.

Chuck7 02-13-2006 09:28 AM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
A man that is happy in his own back yard will be happy any were he finds him self. Guss

That's a good word Guss. I drove through Arkansas going to Missouri to deer hunt this year. It's a real nice state and folks were very least in the northern part of Arkansas.
God bless,

Guss 02-13-2006 10:01 AM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
Sorry about the confusion Chuck, we are going toAlaska, did I use the wrongabbreviation?

The more I look into the cost of the trip I may be better off going to Arkensas. $160 a night at a motel, good thing I work at a Super 8 and get a lot bette rate.

One of my best fishing buddies moved up there last spring, he did vary well last year fishing. He said it is just so easy up there, he almost feels bad, almost.

Man I cant wait.

Chuck7 02-13-2006 02:43 PM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
Sorry about the confusion Chuck, we are going toAlaska, did I use the wrongabbreviation? It was probably me that was confused.

The more I look into the cost of the trip I may be better off going to Arkensas. $160 a night at a motel, good thing I work at a Super 8 and get a lot bette rate.

One of my best fishing buddies moved up there last spring, he did vary well last year fishing. He said it is just so easy up there, he almost feels bad, almost.

Man I cant wait.
I was just telling my wife this morning.."If I could visit anywhere in the world it would be Alaska.I wish I was going too. That's not a bad price Guss.Take alot of pictures. That will be a once in a life time experience. I was wondering about the Artic Grayling in Arkansas LOL ...:(

Is your family going with ya??

Guss 02-14-2006 05:06 AM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
Yah, myDad and Brother aretaging along.

Chuck7 02-14-2006 10:29 AM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
Well Chris I hope ya have a wonderful time. I'm planning a salt water pier trip around the Tampa Bay area.LOL My wife hates to travel. I do plan to go deer hunting in VA and MO though next fall.I'm going to visit a couple of different men here on the forum. I visited one last fall and had a great experience.Heis from MO.Both men are Christians so I figured I woulldn't be robbed or anything.LOL I got a buck within 30 minutes and had the time of my life.
I do hope to visit Alaska beforeI leave this ole world. Fishing or hunting would be terific.
God bless,

hillbillyhunter1 02-21-2006 08:59 PM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
sound like a great trip. You'll probably find that the grayling will be aggressive takers of big dry fly patterns. The rainbows, I think, will be the main attraction. Mouse patterns would be pretty cool. probably not much else for topwater but should be lots of big fish, after all, ALASKA. Take your bugand BEAR repellent:D

Guss 02-22-2006 01:21 PM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
Hillbilly, we will have a great time.For the most part I think we will be fishing those glass beads that are so popular up there. My buddy fish them alot last year and said they work great. I just tied up one of those hudge mouse flies, just in case;).

You ever fish one of those things? I have caught some nice browns on them. Fish them all night, when it gets real hot in the summer, we dont get home tell 4am. It is amazing, so many fish come up and swirl on them, but just miss.


hillbillyhunter1 02-22-2006 08:31 PM

RE: Going to AK, ye hawwww
fly-fishing at night is definately for the young:D(not that I'm that old-35). My problem is that from where I live now, trout fishing is an all day adventure with at least an hour or two drive on both ends, so I am usually too exhausted to even think about it. I had a buddy of mine throw one for about half a day on the Bighorn (MT). Had two go after itand hooked one (fat 20'' female (brown)), but he just wanted to catch one with it. He would have done much better with many other things. Sounds like you've already had some good experiences w/them.

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