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Old 12-07-2004, 05:12 PM
Deerslayer_37's Avatar
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Default RE: "Something moved...and he fired."

Wow this is too bad. I had been told the first time i even picked up a BB to always ID what i was shooting at. I think this situation involves a lack of parental involvement. Sure, hunters safety could have helped. But if the parent was respsonible, they wouldnt let their kid be out with a couple of 5th graders deer hunting. There wasn't a whole lot i learned in hunters safety to tell the truth. my dad taught me all of it before i could deer and turkey hunt. his dad did the same. thats way i think our group has never had an accident. hunters safety has helped a ton, but therse just some things that hunters safety can't do, like babysit immature kids that should not be out in teh woods alone, much less with other younger kids.

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