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Old 05-10-2004, 03:18 PM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 634
Default pregnant doe/odd marking???

I was out scouting yesterday and spotted a soon to be, very swollen, momma and two yearlings browsing shrubbery. The odd thing that I noticed was that the momma to be had an unusual marking, one that I had never seen before personally. She had a white striping or band approximately 3-4 inches in width and was located on top of the back about 4 inches forward of her tail base. This stripe went about 1/2 way down her hind quarters in each direction from her spine centerline. As mentioned it was a 1st. spotting of this in my lifetime. Has anyone out there seen something similar? Is there a name for it? Is it just a genetic flaw? I would appreciate any educated takes on my spotting. I am very curious. Thank you in advance!!!
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