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Old 11-27-2018, 11:57 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: North Texas
Posts: 3
Default Food & Scent Control

I am a relatively new hunter located in central Texas. I've studied as much as I can about scent control and believe I've put a real solid plan together to reduce my scent while hunting. However, I have not come across anything that speaks specifically to having food in the blind/stand and what effect that has regarding scent control. I assume foods can be a negative if trying to remain as neutral smelling as possible, but being in a stand all day requires some sustenance.

I've searched videos and articles and nothing I've come across talks about the impact to scent in the field as it applies to the food you bring. I do not bring a thermos of hot soup, or pack PB&J sandwiches! But I do pack things like protein bars and jerky... What are your thoughts on this and what do you do?

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