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Old 09-01-2018, 05:57 AM
Typical Buck
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: SW Montana
Posts: 550

"The move marked a victory for wildlife advocates and Native American tribes."
Total B.S. The TRUE wildlife advocates are the hunters and the professional wildlife managers that know and actually CARE for the wildlife. The grizzlies have made a strong comeback in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, and limited hunting will not in any way be a detriment to their population.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has made the determination that the grizzlies have recovered, and have given their management back to the states The professional biologists in the state wildlife agencies have determined that there can be limited hunting, End of story!! Just like the wolf issue, this has absolutely NO business in the courts, and just like the wolves, it will end up wasting thousands of state wildlife agency dollars defending their decision, and will end up hurting other wildlife and probably domestic animals.

The grizzly may have been a totem to some of the Indian tribes, but throughout their history they hunted the bears, and anything that they say now has absolutely no validity in the states decisions for a very limited grizzly hunting season.
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