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Old 07-07-2017, 11:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 11

For low ligth you need to check the exit pupil of the binoculars. BIgger the exit pupil is more light the binocular will be able to capture and hence sharper the image.

But wait, what about human eyes. Human pupil has limit to exapand usually to 6mm. An exit pupil great than that is actually useless. So for low light consider the exit pupil. Divide the lens diamater with the magnification power and you will get the exit pupil.

Nikon 7548 is nice one. It has exit pupil just under 6mm and will be quite effective under low light condition. The magnification is also under 10x which implies that there will be very less vibration amplification. Currently price is lesser than 7298. I think that is because of the magnification power difference.
So its up to you and your budget in the end.
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