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Old 02-05-2015, 06:00 AM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: St. Bernard, Louisiana
Posts: 1
Default Tracking in the Rain

Doc, in my opinion and from 50 years of personal experience as a hunter and commercial trapper, under conditions where tracking blood will be difficult, such as raining or rain approaching. The shoulder shot is the best way to go. Keep in mind you must take out both shoulders to get the best odds that deer will go down where it is standing. I have too much respect for these animals to do a head shot, where if you should be off just slightly could result in a long drawn out death for the deer. The heart, lung shot as you suggest will always kill fairly quickly and leave good blood, especially if you have a low exit wound.However a deer can travel an amazing distance with it's heart or lungs destroyed. Just this pass weekend I was forced to shoot a buck in the rain trough the lungs because the shoulder was blocked by a tree. That buck traveled a good 200 yds. with both lungs completely destroyed from a 7mm mag in the 14 or 15 seconds it had to live. Now, I will admitt that is the longest distance I have ever seen a deer go whit such a shot. So for what it is worth, the easiest deer to trail is the one that never takes another step. Now if you still want the heart, lung shot in adverse conditions or darkness close at hand place your shot just above the heart through the arteries going into the lungs and he will go down as if hit by a thunderbolt. I am of the school of thought that if you must track in the rain, you should do it very soon after the shot and hope there is still some blood to follow and you find your deer in the first 40 or 50 yards or you are prepared to make a quick shot when and if you bump him up. Hunt long enough and we will all have some difficult trailing jobs to do! Have respect for your prey and always make the best shot you can and pass on so so shots that will make trailing in even ideal conditions difficult is what I say.
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