Forums - View Single Post - Converting an SKS into a deer rifle trigger help?
Old 05-01-2013, 04:59 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: I live in northern Tennessee
Posts: 9

Psylocide, A few years ago I almost cut off three of my fingers including my " trigger finger " which messed with the sensitivity in it, and I'm not one uh those inside a 10 inch circle type uh people! I'm one uh those inside a 3 inch circle at 100 yrds type uh people. The last several deer I have killed has been with a neck shot, that way if i miss i have missed, if I hit that neck the deer isn't going to run off die and be wasted or run off and be shot up for the next person or be all crippled up! It's gonna be dead pretty close to where it was standing whenI shot!
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