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Old 03-01-2012, 05:20 AM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 1,926
Default Target Alternative !!!!!!!

For the last twenty years, I never used a commercial block or 3D. But I recommend nothing. Some people can use only a commercial target, because that's the only target that they're use to.

Used either foam insulation sheets from a building supplier(cut to 2' square sheets) OR tied up newspaper with rope on the two edges and hung it in a homemade wooden frame. (when not in use covered by plastic tarp)

I add to the width of of the foam sheets, by adding sections of newspaper in between. Then use masking tape on the edges, to hold target together.

And most target's last, only as long, as the number of target points on the target. Shoot one point, such as the middle, the target will not last as long as being accurate enough to use five or more target points.
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