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Old 12-11-2011, 06:35 AM
Ghost of the hardwoods
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 83

I can recall one year when our woods where crawling with "yotes". I remember sitting in my stand when all of a sudden, the woods "came alive". I heard a whole bunch of ruckus and thrashing coming from up through the slash, then sticks and twigs breaking and leaves being rustled around. A doe and two of her fawns came flying out of the brush. All of the squirrels that where gathering nuts where soon up in the trees barking their behinds off and all of their eyes where focused on an area about 40 yds. behind my stand. When much to my amazement, more ruckus followed and about 17 turkeys came running out of the brush cackling, following the same path that the 3 deer where on. No sooner did I blink my eyes and I was surrounded by coyotes. There where 5 of them chasing whatever they could. I took aim at the last one I could get a bead on. I dumped her over and the others scattered back into the brush.

After my father and I tagged out that season, a buddy of mine and myself decided it was time to do some coyote hunting. By the end of January we took out 13 of em'. Since then, their population in that area seemed less prevalent, but i know they are still out there. I will shoot them any chance I get.
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