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Old 09-07-2011, 06:48 AM
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Posts: 66

Originally Posted by QuanticoKidd
I was reading a D&DH magazine today and the best day's it said for the rut is Nov 10th through Nov 18th don't get me wrong I'm not saying you can't hunt any other time it just said that will be the most intense time for seeking and chasing this year becuase the rutting moon is on Nov 10th and it guess that the rut will be very intense compared to last season Just thought I would share that info I got it from the D&DH Rut Calendar
I've noticed that rut activity varies from area to area "a little". they can be chasin on the east line and I hunt west and there is no activity...same moon phase..temp..light..but different activity so I tend to agree with Barry that LOCAL environment plays a big part..mast production..age/qty of does population..number of bucks in an area and how dense the population is (aka how far does a buck have to travel to herd up some hot does)

I aways set aside last week of October and the 1st 2 weeks of Nov and I gennerally hit the rut...I can think of only one time it was delayed and that was the Thanksgiving rut Barry reffered to.

In FLORIDA..the MAJOR RUT is ON in the south NOW..Oct 7 is the peak forcast for my zone and as late as February in the panhandle..

I have rut charts by geographic area USA and while up north there are substancial peaks and valley's..the further south more tropical climate the peaks BIG rut cycle...

I do allot of fishing and I watch the moon over (12)/under(6) times and I do see more activity in both fishing and hunting with the position of the gps shows moon position at time lets me know an expected peak activity cycle.
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